

Whiplash Pain Management

Whiplash injuries are one of the most common injuries people suffer in auto accidents. Even people involved in relatively low speed accidents can suffer whiplash. People involved in serious auto accidents might suffer whiplash injuries that require months or even years of continuing chiropractic care, physical therapy and pain management care.

The severity of your whiplash often has a significant impact on the length of treatment and the types of pain management you require. If chiropractic adjustments, ice and over-the-counter medications aren’t providing relief from your whiplash pain, you may require pain management injections targeting nerves in the cervical vertebrae.

Pain management or regenerative therapy injections in the neck are often reserved for people with particularly severe or painful whiplash. These pain management injections are one of the more reliable therapies for providing long-term management for whiplash injuries. In many cases pain management injections are just one part of a comprehensive whiplash treatment plan that includes physical therapy and chiropractic care.

Whiplash injury patients are frequently referred to Atlas Spine & Rehab by their chiropractor, physical therapist or personal injury attorney. We excel at partnering with other medical professionals to provide effective pain relief to whiplash patients. Our goal is always to help you live a more pain-free, productive life that isn’t encumbered by chronic whiplash pain.

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Are You Experiencing Pain from Whiplash?

Contact Our Neck Pain Doctors for More Information

Our pain management professionals at Atlas Spine & Rehab are here to help patients manage their whiplash pain. Call us today at (678) 691-5651 to schedule an appointment.

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