Foot & Ankle Pain


Foot and Ankle Pain Management 

Your feet have a combined 52 bones, 60 joints and hundreds of ligaments, tendons and muscles. They’re incredibly complex parts of the human body, which means there are a lot of things that can potentially go wrong. They also happen to be subject to the most stress of just about anywhere else on the body. Any time you stand up, walk, run, drive or do just about anything upright, you’re putting lots of pressure on your feet.

The complexity of the feet and ankles and their constant use make foot and ankle pain a frequent struggle for many people. There are several potential foot and ankle pain management approaches that might work for you.

Most people with moderate, temporary foot and ankle pain can use over-the-counter medication, ice packs, compression socks or invest in better, more supportive footwear. However, those at-home pain management solutions often aren’t adequate for people who have suffered foot or ankle injuries in car accidents or workplace accidents as well as those who are experiencing foot and ankle pain due to degenerative conditions like arthritis.

At Atlas Spine & Rehab we can administer corticosteroid injections and fit patients for special foot and ankle orthosis devices to help manage their chronic and acute pain. Orthotic inserts custom made for your feet will provide better stabilization than you’ll get from generic, one-size-fits-all store-bought orthotic insert. Corticosteroid injections provide longer-lasting relief than any over-the-counter medication and doesn’t come with some of the risks inherent with strong prescription opioids.

If you or a patient are struggling with foot or ankle pain, the team at Atlas Spine & Rehab is ready to help. We frequently work with chiropractors, physical therapists and orthopedists to provide a holistic approach to managing pain and healing patients.

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Are You Experiencing Foot and Ankle Pain?

Contact Our Foot and Ankle Pain Doctors for More Information

Our pain management professionals at Atlas Spine & Rehab are here to help patients manage their foot pain and ankle pain. Call us today at (678) 691-5651 to schedule an appointment.

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